Danish prison guard’s visor cap
This was one of the very first Danish caps I ever found and it took me several years to discover what it was—simply because I didn’t associate with people who were apt to have seen one. About ten years ago, my neighbor, Bent P-M, came over to visit and happened to spot it hanging on the wall of my office. “Where did you ever get that guard’s cap?” he exclaimed. Bent, I should add, had been a prison warden before becoming an EC commissioner in Luxembourg. On an interesting side note, this man had been active in the Danish resistance, got caught, and served two years in the very prison he later ran. By the time Bent was scheduled for release in 1943, the Germans had taken over the Danish prison administration, sent the police to concentration camps and were waiting patiently for those members of the resistance who had been tried under Danish law to get out of jail so that they could be rearrested and shot. There’s a perverse “ordnung muß sein” logic to this. Anyway, on the day of his release, Bent was smuggled out of the prison and given a new identity by the very Danish guards who had been his captors the day before.